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Enrichment Fund


The DHHS Enrichment Fund – along with your PTO membership dues, Auction proceeds, and other fundraising efforts -- helps support activities and items which benefit students, teachers, and the school at large. For instance:


  • Enabling the Counseling Office to provide school supplies to students in need


  • Funding teacher treats and celebrations to show our educators we LOVE them, not only during our traditional Teacher Appreciation Week, but throughout the year


  • Endowing a modest Principal’s Fund that enables Mr. Joyner to meet special needs as they arise without having to ask the County for help


  • Recognizing and rewarding the Teacher of the Year


  • Supplementing parent donations of food and supplies for hospitality needs at the school’s many events and gatherings


  • Funding teacher grant requests for supplies, software, equipment, books, subscriptions, field trip travel, etc. Teacher grants are, in fact, the largest budget item by far. The PTO’s goal with these grants is to support teachers’ ability to function, to teach, to engage, and to help their students achieve.


  • Supplementing personal protective equipment (PPE) for faculty and staff and the schoolhouse in general during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • School-wide digital tools for design and organization of class content


  • Lab kits for science classes. 


  • Subscriptions to online learning platforms and enrichment games for the Math, Science, World Languages, Social Studies, and Food Sciences Departments


  • Club supplies and transportation to events


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The PTO has established three levels of sponsorship for the Fund:




GOLD $300


If you have already made a donation to the Enrichment Fund, thank you!


You may increase your level of donation at any time and receive credit for previous donations.


In the coming weeks, sponsors will receive car magnets that recognize their donation level.


Sponsors will also be recognized in the DHHS weekly newsletter and website.


Want to donate via check? Please print out this form and mail it in! 


Questions? Contact

Your generous donations allow the PTO to continue meeting our amazing teachers' needs and creative ideas to keep instruction fresh and engaging for our students.

All donations to the Enrichment Fund are tax-deductible and eligible for corporate matching. 

Gold Level Donors




The Bialko-Leeth Family

The Burton Family

Charles Clark

The Corkran Family 

Bruce & Dawna Daniel

The Druid Hills Civic Association

The Eldridge Family

The Feagans Family

The Fishbein Family

The Grisewood Family

The Hamburger-Johnson Family

Rob & Kristen Hampton

Allison LeBlanc

Ann & Ken Schroeder

The Symmes Family

Erin Tone

The White-DeFrancisco Family

Silver Level Donors



The Basheda-Markiewicz Family

Rachel Dunn

Julie Dolan

The Ebaugh Family

Patrick J. Encalarde '25

Roisin Florence

The Hart Family

Stacy Isbell

Rev. Camille Powell

The Rozell Family

The Schuler Family

Our 2022-23 Schoolyear Donors

Bronze Level Donors



Mohamed & Carol Abdelhalim

Maria Arbatskaya & Kaushik Mukhopadhaya

The Gedi Family

Loretta Obrien-Parham

Rebecca Owens-Brickman

Kristie Thornton & Aydan Fulmer

Jasmine Turk

Sophie Weeks

Brandi Limbago

Mala Sharma

Robbi Hutchins

Hilary & Kimberly Raphael

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