The Druid Hills High School PTO is a Parent-Teacher Organization committed to the following goals:
Enhancing and supporting the academic and social experience of Druid Hills High School students
Developing a closer connection between school and home for students at Druid Hills High School
Providing support to teachers and staff, and encouraging parent involvement, at Druid Hills High School and throughout the Druid Hills High School cluster
Providing funds for Druid Hills High School's academic and student life initiatives
We strive to promote the well-being of all our students, parents, and teachers by working with our principal, the DeKalb County School System, local businesses, and community leaders to ensure school-related concerns are being addressed.
Stay Involved with the PTO with ways that you can help to enrich your child’s year at Druid Hills High:
Join in on Spirit Nights at local supporting restaurants that donate a portion of the proceeds to DHHS.
Participate in our annual Auction in the Spring -- attend & shop to benefit the PTO and DHAA.

PTO Executive Committee 2024-25
President Nia Brinson-Parker
Co-Vice President Ruby Hollender
Co-Vice President Simone Willingham
Secretary Patricia Richmond
Treasurer Doug Rollins
Communications Adam Francois Watkins
Principal Dr. Michelle Stewart
Representative Staci P. Allen