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News from DHHS Principal,
Mr. Mark Joyner

September 14, 2022

The Principal's Advisory Council, a group of DHHS parent leaders, has formed a task force to address the student parking situation at Druid Hills. We are gathering information/data to create a plan/proposal to submit to the DeKalb County School District.

STUDENTS 16 & older may complete the survey.

Please only submit one survey - we need accurate data. Survey closes on September 20. Thank you for participating. Input your S number (school) email address.

August 25, 2022

The Durand Mill neighborhood, adjacent to the Druid Hills High School campus, has transitioned to "Permit Parking Only."  Several DHHS students use these neighborhood streets for parking. Moving forward, cars parked in marked areas will be ticketed. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please also remember that parking on the streets (Westminster Way and Edinburgh Terrace) adjacent to the Presbyterian church during school hours is also severely restricted. Last year many tickets (70+) were issued and parking violations are called in to the police regularly. Some have already been called in in the last few days.

August 9, 2022

Three important updates to know today, Tuesday, August 9th, the second day of school!



USDA has not granted school districts the ability to extend the “meals at no cost” waiver for the 2022-23 school year. As a result, families must either pay for meals or be determined eligible to receive free or reduced-price meal benefits.

An online application for SY 22-23 is available on the DCSD website. Unless your family has received a letter indicating you are already qualified, you must complete a free or reduced-price application. Please apply if you think your family may qualify.


If you received free or reduced-priced lunch in the past, or if you think you qualify for free or reduced lunch - you need to complete THIS FORM ASAP.  




It's been a couple of very busy days in the DHHS lobby. Ms. Moore in the Front Office and Ms. Trivedi in the Counseling Office would really appreciate having some volunteers to greet parents of registering students and other visitors, direct them to the right place, and generally help give everyone a good visiting experience, VOLUNTEER TO HELP HERE

August 8, 2022

DHHS Parents and Guardians,

Thanks to our students, faculty and staff for a fantastic first day of school!!!!


Reminders - 

1. Parents must complete the Chromebook User Agreement in order for your student to receive a DCSD Chromebook -


2. Complete the free and reduced lunch form - even if your student doesn't eat school lunch.  Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch determine additional funding/money for the school.


3. Bus Routes - DRUID HILLS HS.pdf 


4. Homeroom/Advisement locator - 22-23 Advisement Assignments.xlsx 


5. Parking - Students enrolled in Work Based Learning and Dual Enrollment have parking priority.  Dr. Jackson will assign these students parking spaces and decals.  Any leftover spaces will be assigned through a lottery.  No students should park on campus without a parking decal.  Students parking in adjacent neighborhoods need to follow any posted signage regarding "No Parking."


6. MAP testing for 9th and 10th graders will take place next week.  Mid-month End of Course Tests (Coordinate Algebra, Biology, American Lit and US History) are August 15 - 19.  Students who did not take their EOC in spring or summer need to test - see Mr. Alexander.


7. Students / parents may NOT order food deliveries to the school.  


8. Dress Code 

●No sagging pants

●No spaghetti straps - must be at least 2 fingers wide - all students

●No bare mid-riff - No crop tops

●No pajamas or house shoes

●Shorts, skirts and dresses must be fingertip length - all students 

●Holes above the knee must have undergarment (leggings, stockings) - all students

●No bonnets or durags

We appreciate your support, and we look forward to a great school year.

August 5, 2022

August 4, 2022

Good afternoon Druid Hills High School parents and guardians,

Chromebooks - All students must have a DCSD Chromebook or personal computer - cell phones and tablets don't count.  Parents must complete this form in order for student to receive a DCSD Chromebook -


Free and Reduced Price Lunch -


Homeroom/Advisement Locations - students will report to homeroom/advisement the first week of school - 22-23 Advisement Assignments.xlsx 


Bus Routes - DRUID HILLS HS.pdf 


Principal Joyner School Opening Information Email from 8.1.22 - DHHS 2022 opening letter to parents.docx 


First day of school is Monday, August 8.  First bell rings at 8:00.  School starts at 8:10.


We look forward to seeing our students on Monday!!!

July 31, 2022

STUDENT SCHEDULES – schedules are now available to view on Infinite Campus – Parent Portal


SCHEDULE CHANGE REQUESTS - The Schedule Change process begins August 1st. Fill out THIS FORM (available 8/1 on counseling website) for ALL schedule change requests. Please refrain from emailing for schedule change requests. Schedule change requests will be taken during the first two weeks of school via the form.


Please be patient during this process. Students should follow their current schedule until the requested change is made. Unfortunately, all changes are not guaranteed. The deadline for all schedule change requests is August 12th.


DHHS Counseling website and Schedule Change Request Form




PLEASE NOTE: The USDA has not granted school districts the ability to extend the “meals at no cost” waiver for the 2022-23 school year. As a result, families must either pay for meals or be determined eligible to receive free or reduced-price meal benefits.


An online application for SY 22-23 is available on the DCSD website. Unless your family has received a letter indicating you are already qualified, you must complete a free or reduced-price application. Please apply if you think your family may qualify.


Title I funding for DHHS is based on our Free/Reduced Lunch data. Please complete the form regardless if your child actually eats school lunch. 


BUS ROUTES – Check THIS DOCUMENT for your bus route.



Thursday, August 4th 

9th Grade & New Student Orientation/Tours

4:00PM in Uhry Theater (main building)

All Grades Open House

5:00PM – 6:30PM in Gymnasium


STUDENT CHROMEBOOKS – Parent waiver – All students are required to have and bring to school daily a DCSD Chromebook or personal computer (no phones/tablets). Parents must complete the Chromebook User Agreement prior to Chromebook distribution. The link is not yet “live,” but parents will complete THIS FORM when it is. Chromebooks will be distributed the first week of school. 




  • Any clothing with rips or holes above the knee must have undergarment (leggings, stockings)

  • Shorts and skirts (male, female, non-binary) must be fingertip length

  • No sagging pants

  • No spaghetti straps – tanks and athletic style shirt straps must be at least 2 fingers wide

  • No bare midriff, no crop tops

  • No pajamas, no house shoes (bedroom slippers)

  • No hair bonnets or durags


BELL SCHEDULE – Bell Schedule 2022-23 School Year 

We will follow an adjusted bell schedule for the first week of school to include “home room / advisement” on Monday – Thursday.


First Day of School, Monday, August 8 – Students will report to either the gym or the cafeteria when they arrive to campus. Students will report to home room/advisement when the 8:00AM bell sounds. Advisement Locations - TBA


STUDENT PARKING – All student parking spaces are assigned by Assistant Principal, Dr. Jackson. DHHS has a limited number of student spaces. Students participating in work-based learning and dual enrollment will have priority, and the remaining spaces will be assigned through a lottery. Dr. Jackson will make announcements regarding assigning student spaces and distributing parking decals. NO STUDENT PARKING ON CAMPUS WITHOUT A DECAL. Dr. Jackson will assign spaces and decals and conduct the lottery during the first two weeks of the semester. Do not park on campus prior to receiving a decal.


CAR RIDERS – Morning drop-off is in the front drive of the school – use the lane closest to the picnic area (furthest lane from the main building). Afternoon pick-up is in the lower (gym) parking lot or Westminster Way NE – DO NOT use the church parking lot. 

1798 Haygood Drive
Atlanta, GA 30307

Phone: 678-874-6302
Fax: 678-874-6310

© 2024 by Druid Hills High School PTO

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