#modernizedhhs Gallery of Woes
Unlike DHHS, this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION!
The DHHS PTO sponsored a Best WORST PHOTO Contest for DHHS students during the month of April 2022. The below gallery is a sample of the many photos and videos that we have received as part of the contest and as a result of student activism. They speak for themselves.
Our students' amazing sense of composition and aesthetics shines through even with such a sad subject matter as their crumbling school. DHHS students have amazing eyes and find beauty in the mundane details of everyday life on campus. Even amid the crumbling state of the school facilities.
We are SO PROUD of our students and how fiercely they love Druid Hills!
They deserve all the credit for kick-starting #modernizedhhs!
Contact us at dhhsreddeviltaskforce@gmail.com.
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