Online Red Devil Days will span August 3 to August 18, 2023.
Your DHHS PTO is excited to bring you this virtual opportunity to get involved in our school's many extracurricular offerings. We have created these web pages to provide you with as much information as possible to start the 2023-2024 school year off right.
What can I do during online Red Devil Days, August 3-18?
1) Join the PTO HERE
Becoming a PTO member is more important now than ever. The PTO is uniquely positioned to support our staff, students, and families; we need your help and energy! Throughout the year we fund teachers' classroom request grants; cover hospitality costs for such initiatives as teacher appreciation meals, and coordinate with the school to maintain the community informed about news and happenings.
Membership dues are $10/year per household.
2) Pay your class dues via the DHHS Webstore HERE
3) Visit the pages below and click on any clubs and sports you think sound interesting!
You may email the contact listed for the club or sport if you want more information OR you can find out more during the first few weeks of school. Keep an ear out for morning announcements!
And keep checking back in here throughout the RDD period, because we'll continue posting new opportunities to get involved as they are submitted. As Mr. Joyner says, clubs and sports are the best way for students to find "their" people.
4) Buy your yearbook online!
Make sure you order your yearbook now. Limited supply! Trust us, this year’s yearbook is one you’ll want to have. Our fearless yearbook staff is chronicling the year like never before. Order before the price goes up.
5) SENIORS! It's time to schedule your school portraits if you have not done so already!
You can visit the Cady Studios website HERE to schedule or you call Cady Studios to make an appointment instead. Calling may be less confusing than navigating their website -- 678-722-3449. Cady will be at the school on Thursday, September 14, 2023 to take Senior photos between 9:30 am and 6:30 pm; you must make an appointment for this day with Cady.
Underclass school portraits will be scheduled for early September. Keep your eye on the weekly PTO Newsletter for more information.
6) Don't forget about yearbook recognition or business ads.
Parents: honor your graduating senior with a yearbook ad!
Students: purchase ads and design them with a group of friends.
Businesses: advertise and show their support for the school.
7) Visit our Join a Committee page and find out how you can get involved.
Your DHHS PTO has very much been active and planning throughout the Summer and we need your time, talents, and energy to help our school shine and function for our entire community!
8) Visit our Links page for school and county information HERE
Load up your student meal account and apply for free and reduced meal plans
Check your bus schedule
Find your class schedule with DCSD's Infinite Campus portal
And much more
9) Update or Complete Your Student(s) DCSD Annual Registration Use this checklist from the District to take care of everything related to registration, verification, and proof of residency.
10) Where is the school supply list?
During the first week of school, each teacher will provide a list of what supplies are needed for their individual class. For the first couple of school days, all your student(s) needs is a pen or pencil and a notebook.
11) Remember there are MANY ways to stay informed about everything that is going on at the school! High school requires a little more work on our part in finding out everything that is news around our building and school system.
Make sure you are signed up for our PTO Newsletter and Eblasts. Click HERE to join.
Regularly check the official DHHS website home page and this website's home page for updates.
Visit the Counseling Department website (link below) and sign up for their email alerts.
Visit the Druid Hills Education Foundation website to learn about their work on behalf of our school.
Visit the DHHS Athletic Association website (link below) and stay up-to-date on DHHS sports.
Be sure that your contact information is correct in Infinite Campus so that you can receive important information from Mr. Joyner, our Principal, via email.
When in doubt, check the DCSD website for answers to your questions.